TopSolid'Strato Demo 7.18
The TopSolid'Strato module developed by CIRTES offers to TopSolid 7 users the possibility to produce very large parts. The Stratoconception® Additive Manufacturing process performs the decomposition of a part, into slices for its manufacture in plate materials.
TopSolid'Strato makes it possible to perform the division of a model into parts (split in zones, slicing and decomposition of the slices) and to generate automatically the toolpath and machining documents corresponding to the optimised parts nesting in the raw material plates.
CIRTES is TopSolid's partner for Additive Manufacturing, it is the inventor and developer of one of the 7 families of standardized processes (ISO 17296-2) of Additive Manufacturing: Stratoconception®.
In order to obtain a demo license or to make a demo request, please contact
Products | TopSolid'Design |
Major Version | 7 |
Minimum Version | 7.18 |
Operating System | x64 |
Genuine | External |